Tell Me Again How You Dont Know What to Do Meme


"My roommate wants to live with me once again next year, but I don't know how to tell her no. I don't desire to hurt her feelings!"

You sweet thing, you're also kind for your own good. I see this happen all the fourth dimension.

Your current roommate is so sweet and dainty, simply she drives y'all crazy. Either she'south always in the room, or she's super messy, or loud, or is e'er eating your food, or your schedules are just polar opposites. Whatever the effect(south), the lesser line is: you really don't want to live with her over again.

So don't.

For those of you who think it would exist better to just not bring up the conversation, suck it upwards, and live with Loud-Laura once again, let me tell you why that'southward not the all-time programme.

1. You will resent her.

Past Oct of next year, you are going to completely resent her.

2. Any take chances of having a friendship with her will be gone.

If y'all role means at present, you could maintain a friendship. If you stay roommates, run across #ane. Resentment leads to no friendship.

3. You will be mad at yourself for not saying something.

4. Yous will never want to go back to your room.

Don't put yourself in that situation. It's not freshman-year-random- roommate-assignment anymore. Y'all tin brand decisions that will hopefully give you a neat living environment where you similar to hang out and report. Don't hold to live with this daughter once more, and and so spend the adjacent 9 months avoiding her and your room.

v. You lot are doing yourself a disservice by not practicing confrontation.

Yes, confrontation is difficult, but you volition take to do information technology your whole life. Commencement practicing now.

half-dozen. Yous're not beingness nice to her.

Yous recollect you are being nice to her by not telling her you don't want to live with her, and thus, saving her feelings. However, y'all're non being nice by essentially lying to her and pretending that you still want to room together. Even so, what if you tell her the truth– that she needs to make plans to live with someone else– and that ends up beingness even meliorate for her? Don't you lot think she could find a improve roommate for herself? One that doesn't resent her?! I bet she can.

I know yous know I'k right. It merely doesn't take that sick feeling away when you call up almost telling her. Then this is what you're going to do.

ane. Set a date/fourth dimension goal for yourself.

Past this Friday at noon, I'm going to tell Loud-Lana that I don't want to room with her again. Tell a trust friend or family member your plan and ask them to keep you lot accountable. (Email me if y'all want– I'll keep you lot accountable!) Also, continue in mind, the sooner the improve. She needs to start making new plans for living situation.

2. Schedule a time with her to talk.

Ask her out to java or lunch, or even prepare a time to talk in the room. You simply want to brand sure it's a good time for her to talk and your sending a signal that you lot demand to talk about something of import. By just saying, "Hey Lana, do you lot take some free time this night? I want to talk to you nearly something." When she's says, "Uh aye, I'll exist washed with class past 8." Yous say, "Great! I'll meet you lot here. Maybe we can go grab a Sonic Slush." You can go on it casual, only by setting up a fourth dimension y'all're giving her a heads up.


What are you lot going to say? Think through the reason yous desire to communicate to her every bit to why you don't desire to alive together. In my opinion, a swell reason is, "I want to stay friends with you and I think we'd be meliorate friends if we weren't also roommates." Sometimes great friends are horrible roommates. Of form, if you don't desire to be friends with her adjacent twelvemonth, don't use that one. I've also heard things similar, "Equally I'm thinking about my living situation side by side year, I feel like I need to do something dissimilar– (I want to detect someone who has a similar schedule as me, who is as OCD every bit me, who is…whatever.)" Just pick ONE reason you lot are going to communicate with her and stick to it. Brand sure yous reiterate that you lot intendance about her and don't want to injure her feelings. Say that this has been a really hard decision just yous feel similar this is what's best. Remind her again that you care about her. Apologize if y'all did hurt her feelings and tell her that was not your intention.

Because information technology's not your intention, right? You don't want to hurt her feelings. But, news flash, YOU don't make her experience. And Y'all are not responsible for how she feels. Every bit long as you communicate openly and with kindness, you are not at fault.

So practise it. Set a deadline for yourself, tell someone y'all trust to keep y'all to information technology, and and so tell your roommate, yous honey her, intendance about her, merely feel like it's best if you don't live together again. Practice confrontation and honest communication. You are doing yourself and Loud-Laura a favor. I promise you. Roommates-2-19-06-copy-400x384


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