My Rev Account Got Discontinued Can I Join Again?

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When it comes to online transcription or online explanation jobs, is definitely a peachy choice and this is why. And more and more people like you are wanting to know: How can I pass the Rev exam? Or what are the answers to the Rev test?

Well, unfortunately, I'thousand not going to give yous the exact answers considering I want you to be honest about your work. Only I volition give you some helpful stride-by-step tips to guide you through the application process.

I'll show you what to expect inside the application and give you a ameliorate idea to help you become more confident when taking the Rev test. After all, I took the tests on Rev myself and I was able to laissez passer each i. At present I'm able to make hundreds of actress dollars per year through Rev, and you can do the aforementioned thing if yous follow this commodity!

With that beingness said, allow's go through some tips on what you should pay attention to equally you accept your Rev application examination.

Step 1: Polish your grammar.

Sign showing five grammar rules

The offset part of your exam will test your grammar skills.

Having good grammer is very important when taking the Rev test. This means you demand to go along a close centre on the look of your writing.

E'er make sure that your words and sentences are structured correctly, and always utilise correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Here are some of the correct answers to help you in this part of the examination.

Some answers to Rev grammar test

A skillful tool that you can use to improve your grammar for gratis is called Grammarly. This is a browser plugin that you can install right into your browser.

Then caput over to Google Docs and practise writing a paragraph or two. If Grammarly spots a grammatical mistake in your writing, it will underline the incorrect word or phrase for you lot and you can correct your mistakes easily.

Once y'all meliorate your grammar, you'll be able to ace the grammar questions!

Practice your grammar with Grammarly!

Step 2: Learn the Rev Style Guide.

Screenshot of Rev Style Guide inside application test

Afterward you complete the grammar examination, you now demand to learn Rev's Mode Guide.

Everything that y'all transcribe or caption on Rev needs to follow their Style Guide. Brand sure you read and empathise everything in the Style Guide.

If you'd like to meet what the Style Guide looks like, bank check out the links beneath:

  • Click to read the Rev Transcription Mode Guide.
  • Click to read the Rev Explanation Manner Guide.

Co-ordinate to the Style Guide, Rev is going to gauge your transcription or caption piece of work based on a few metrics. If you lot're transcribing, your two metrics are Accurateness and Formatting. If you're captioning, there's a tertiary metric known as Alignment. Here's an caption of each metric:

  1. Accuracy – How well you listened to the audio and typed out the words correctly.
  2. Formatting – How well you styled your transcription or captions equally stated in the Style Guide, for example, identifying speakers correctly or adding dashes in your captions whenever the speaker changes.
  3. Alignment – How well you aligned your captions with the video.
Rev Style Guide showing the three categories of Accuracy, Formatting, and Alignment.

These metrics are of import when Rev judges your work in your application test. Then, when yous pass the test and you become a Rev worker, your goal is to make sure you are strong in each of these three metrics.

If you constantly make errors in whatsoever of these metrics, you lot could get your Rev account suspended and you may accept to take the test all over over again.

Let's go over each metric step by stride and how you tin improve on each one.

Accuracy: Take a Skilful Ear

This pretty much goes back to what I said earlier about paying attention but, in particular, paying attention to what you're hearing. If you neglect to correctly listen to spoken sound well, your Accuracy metric will get down.

For example, if y'all hear "Bengal tiger" and you write "blindside become tiger" instead, yous are prone to losing a point for your Accuracy. Always listen and understand the context of what y'all're hearing.

Formatting: Write It the Correct Style

At that place are specific guidelines in the Fashion Guide that Rev wants you to follow when formatting your work. For example, yous need to label speakers correctly. If the video says a speaker's name is John, simply you label him Man in your work, you volition lose a betoken for Formatting. Also, if you forget to brainstorm your caption work with a dash, that's another penalty in the Formatting metric.

Before yous submit your application exam, make sure your transcription or explanation work follows the formatting guidelines mentioned in the Style Guide.

Alignment: Align Captions Correctly

This metric simply applies if you're applying to become a captioner. Yous don't have this metric if you lot're transcribing.

The key here is to pay attending to the video and audio and printing a certain primal on the keyboard to marshal the correct explanation right at that bespeak. If yous put the caption on the video two seconds before or afterwards the speaker says what's in your caption, you could lose points for the Alignment metric.

Step iii: Pay attention to your work.

Arrows pointing to the words "pay attention"

Now, in this final part of the exam, you lot get to do transcribing or captioning. Here, Rev will give you a video or sound clip that you will need to transcribe or caption. I'll give you lot a hint of what kind of video or audio subsequently on in this article!

One thing that is important every bit you practice is to pay attention to what you're doing!

This might seem very straightforward, but I tin't stress this enough. I accept seen projects where people are just sloppy with their transcription. Sometimes, they mishear words or miss majuscule letters and and so their writing doesn't wait right.

That's why it'due south important to pay attention to what y'all're hearing and to what y'all're writing. Attention is important when it comes to transcribing or captioning.

Hither are some tips that tin assist keep your attention while you're transcribing or captioning, peculiarly for the Rev test:

  • Close all other tabs that are open in your browser.
  • Close all other programs on your computer.
  • Wear some earphones instead of relying on a speaker.
  • Keep a placidity atmosphere around you. If it helps, movement to a quieter room before you showtime working.
  • Stop singing, bustling, or whistling while you work.
  • Figure out the context of the file you lot're transcribing or captioning. What'due south going on as you are hearing the sound or video?
  • If the words you typed out don't make sense, mind once more. A different like-sounding give-and-take might make meliorate sense.

Also, while it might seem skillful to be a fast typer, as with any online transcription or caption job, accuracy matters more than speed. So, if you tin can focus better typing slower, it's worth slowing down to brand certain that your work is well washed.

If yous do blazon fast, I recommend always keeping your optics on the words y'all type (similar I do) and grab your typos as you go.

Additional Tips to Assistance You

What's the Video or Audio Inside the Examination?

Transcription Test Audio

Dashboard of the Rev transcription test

Your transcription exam sample will contain an audio of a chat betwixt a man and a adult female, explaining some mutual questions beginners may have with, such as how they got started or how much you get paid.

The audio will already be transcribed, but yous will demand to act as the "transcript editor", correcting any grammatical mistakes you find and changing the text and so it is in line with the Fashion Guide.

And then, once again, review your grammar skills and the Rev Style Guide in lodge to correctly edit the sound transcription and submit your application.

Caption Test Video

Dashboard of the Rev caption test

The video you volition be captioning in the test is an interview recorded for NASA'south Digital Learning Network. Host Damon Talley interviews NASA's menstruum director, Ken Tenbusch, at the Kennedy Space Center, where you learn what "shuttle flow" is. This is basically how a space shuttle is maintained at the facility from the time it lands before it is brought back to the pad for another launch.

You volition need to provide the captions as you hear them in the video, remembering to indicate a new speaker and change of speaker. Don't forget your grammar and your knowledge of the Rev Style Guide.

Now allow me to aid you out. Simply visit this page and go to the centre of the folio to find the transcript of the NASA interview in the video. Don't copy and paste the transcript, but experience free to employ it to help you type what is existence said in the interview.

If You Fail, Keep Trying

Sign saying "Try again"

Even if you did all you could to correctly take the test, but then Rev emails you to tell y'all they declined your work, don't become discouraged! You're always welcome to re-apply to Rev and peradventure do a little flake better.

Continue in mind Rev chooses their workers based on how well they completed their application. If an bidder nails the exam every bit shut to perfect every bit possible, they will likely be selected to work. So the key here is to practice your very best! Simply follow the tips I've given yous at this betoken and y'all should exist good to go.

There will as well be times when Rev is overwhelmed with applications and they are forced to deny you. So you might want to wait a while before trying again. By that fourth dimension, Rev may have less applications to work with and will accept yous as a worker.

The bottom line is: don't blame Rev for denying yous. Instead, be open to improving yourself and just exist patient with them. If you take enough determination to piece of work for Rev, you will somewhen go accustomed!

It's all virtually trying again and again!

Final Words

Transcription illustration: a speaker giving audio and a pen and clipboard

So that's pretty much going to wrap up everything y'all need to know equally you lot take the awarding to get a transcriptionist or captioner for I hope this gave y'all better confidence near completing your application examination for Rev.

If you lot'd like, feel gratuitous to utilize this commodity while you're taking the test and even when yous get approved to work, you can use this article for reference while you're completing the projects inside Rev. I think y'all might detect this article more benign when y'all use it to help you within

When you lot're ready to take the application, you tin go started right here! And I wish you the best of luck in taking Rev'southward application examination.



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