I Uploaded Original Photos to Google Rive

Why Transfer Photos from One Google Account to Another

Nowadays, people adopt to store data in deject storage because they can access their information anywhere and anytime. In this way, using cloud drive becomes increasingly popular. Google Photos is an excellent photograph sharing and storage service developed by Google. In general, every bit long as you set up the storage settings to "High quality", you tin get unlimited photograph storage for photos upward to 1080p resolution.

Simply to pursue the original resolution and quality of photos and videos, you might choose "Original quality" to store the photos, and this will employ storage quantity in the users' Google account. As more original photos are stored, users may prefer to recreate a new account to bask more than complimentary storage infinite.

Though information technology is common to use multiple Google Photos accounts, transferring Google Photos to another business relationship is however not easy. Then, if anyone wants to move pictures from Google Photos to another, is there a straightforward style to drift photos quickly? Luckily, the respond is YES.

The following part will introduce 5 means to show you how to move Google Photos to some other account. You can choose a method you like based on your situation.

How to Move Photos from One Google Account to Another in Traditional Ways

Style 1: Download and Upload

Step ane. Log in your first Google Photos business relationship.
Pace 2. Select the photos that you want to transfer.
Step 3. Click "Download" icon located at the top right corner.

Download Photos from Google Photos
Download Photos from Google Photos

Annotation: These photos will be downloaded equally a nothing file. If you want to upload them separately to another account, think to extract them earlier uploading.

Step 4. Log in your second Google Photos account.
Step 5. Click on "Upload" icon or directly elevate all the downloaded images into the second business relationship to upload them.

Upload Photos to Google Photos
Upload Photos to Google Photos

This mode can help motility photos from i Google Photos to some other, but you demand to operate manually and it is actually bothering because the procedure of downloading and uploading volition exist affected by the network speed and the volume of your photos.

Mode 2: Transfer Google Photos to Another Business relationship with "Sharing" Feature

Yes, you can transfer these photos by creating a sharing link. At that place are detailed steps.

Footstep one. Browse photos.google.com in the source Google account.
Step 2. Select photos you want to transfer.
Stride 3. Click the "Share" icon located in the elevation right corner of the display and choose and select "Create Link" option.
Step 4. Re-create the link in the pup-out window and paste it in a new tab.

Create a Sharing Link
Create a Sharing Link

Notation: Yous can as well copy this link and share it with anyone else on any other media.

Stride 5. Login your 2nd account and click on "Add to Anthology" button to add together them to your second Google Photos account. Then y'all can view all the shared photos in "Photos" interface.

Way iii: Ship a Shared Library Invitation

Step 1. Movement to "Settings" interface of your first Google Photos account.
Step 2. Click on "Shared libraries" choice.

Shared Libraries
Shared Libraries

Footstep 3. Enter the address of your 2d Google Photos business relationship and click on "Adjacent" button to continue.

Select Partner
Select Partner

Step iv. Choose settings in the popular-out window and click on "Next" icon.

Choose Settings
Choose Settings

Note: In this stride, you could cull to share all the photos or just function of them with another account.

Step 5. Click on "Send Invitation" push button in the window.
Pace 6. Login your second Google Photos account.
Pace vii. Move to "Sharing" interface and have the invitation. In this way, you tin can view all shared photos from your first account.

Accept Shared Library Invitation
Accept Shared Library Invitation

Step 8. Open up upwards the shared library, select all the photos and click on "Add to library" to transfer them to your account.

Fashion 2 and Manner 3 can assist you transfer Google Photos to some other account without downloading, but when y'all login your two accounts at the same fourth dimension, Google browser might not figure out which account you are using when operating, thus the performance may be a flake of troublesome. But don't worry, beneath part volition introduce a new way to assist you avert the trouble.

How to Transfer Photos from I Google Account to Some other in Pop Means

MultCloud is a Complimentary web-based multiple deject storage manager that allows users to sync or transfer files betwixt cloud drives like Google Drive, OneDrive, MEGA, Box, pCloud, WebDav, FTP server, etc without downloading and uploading, logging in and out or switching accounts so y'all can hands migrate your photos from ane Google Photos to another account. Let'south see how to movement photos from one Google account to another.


ane. You lot need to sign up earlier using MultCloud or you lot tin can log in directly with your Google+ or Facebook account.

Sign Up
Sign Up

two. Enter MultCloud and add Google Photos accounts. Click on "Add Clouds" and add your Google Photos accounts to MultCloud one by i.

Add Google Photos
Add Google Photos

When the higher up preparations are completed, y'all could choose i of the following 2 methods that are more suitable for your situation to operate.

Way 1: Copy Photos from I Google Photos to Another with "Copy to" Function

If y'all want to copy several photos, videos or folders to another Google Photos, you can achieve the demand with the function like "Copy to".

Select photos you desire to move in your first Google Photos, right click "Copy to" and select "Photos" folder under another account as the destination in the pop-out window. Then click on "OK" to transfer them.

Copy Photos to Google Photos
Copy Photos to Google Photos

Annotation: The "Albums" directory can but store anthology directories, but non media files. So, you tin choose "Photos" as your target directory to save your images, photos, videos and other media files.

Way 2: Transfer Google Photos to Some other Google Account with "Cloud Transfer"

If yous want to transfer folders or the whole storage to another account, you lot can direct apply "Cloud Transfer" feature to perform the operation.

Click on "Cloud Transfer" push button on the tab and select the folder nether 1 Google Photos as the source and another as the destination. Finally click on "Transfer Now" to complete the chore.

Transfer Photos from One Google Account to Another
Transfer Photos from 1 Google Account to Another


  • "Cloud Transfer" feature is more suitable for transferring folders or the whole storage to other clouds.
  • You lot are non allowed to transfer the corresponding folders to the root directory of your destination Google Photos account. While selecting the target path, yous may demand to select subdirectory under your destination Google Photos account as the destination.
  • MultCloud supports cloud-to-cloud information transmission even if the device is turned off. And more, scheduling cloud transfer is also available in MultCloud, so you tin can automatically transfer, sync or backup data between cloud storage services at a regular interval.

Mode three: Move Google Photos to Another Account with "Share"

This method is suitable for some users who want to transfer deject drive data to the cloud drive account of the family unit member. If you also have this need, then the "Share" in MultCloud function tin can help y'all.

i. Open Google Photos, find the file or binder that needs to be transferred, and then right-click the file or folder, and finally select "Share" in the popular-up window.

Choose Share in Google Photos
Cull Share in Google Photos

two. Select the sharing mode. In view of the privacy of the file, you can choose the "Individual Share". This kind of sharing can create a countersign, and but those who know the password tin obtain the file data, which can ensure the security of the data.

Create a Private Share
Create a Private Share

3. Send the link and password to your family member, she or he can open the link and enter the password to get the content you share. She or he can choose to download the data directly to the computer or save the data to a cloud drive.

Direct Download or Save to Cloud
Direct Download or Salvage to Deject


  • If your family does not register an MultCloud business relationship, she or he just tin can download the information directly to the computer, and so uploading information technology to the deject drive.
  • If she or he want to save files straight to the Google Photos, she or he needs to annals an MultCloud business relationship first, so that it is very convenient to share useful e-books or application installation packages among multiple different deject drives.


This article has presented v means to assist transfer photos from one Google account to another and y'all could move your photos with any method mentioned above.

If MultCloud is your choice, equally a user with several deject accounts, you could also easily manage your clouds with MultCloud. For case, you could manage multiple Google Drive accounts, connect Dropbox, etc.

If y'all want to sync files between clouds, MultCloud too can help you lot accomplish the goal with "Cloud Sync" characteristic. If you want to sync Google Photos to Google Drive or fill-in Dropbox to OneDrive, yous can fill utilise of it.


Source: https://www.multcloud.com/tutorials/transfer-photos-from-one-google-account-to-another-1247.html

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